Fate/stay night
Follow Linux guide from step 5.
- Get Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua].
- Get the Lutris auto-installer
- You’ll be prompted for your Fate files.
- It’ll take a while to extract and load up the files. Wait until you get a
pop-up. - When it comes to installing patches, leave everything unticked. They’ll fail downloading anyways. We’re going to install these manually later.
- Find the
Fate / stay night[Realta Nua] Ultimate Edition
game folder inside of thedrive_c
directory. Drag and drop the patches you downloaded (password is “ObviouslyFate”) inside of the game folder and overwrite.
Steam Deck
Same as Linux, but set these settings in-game:
- In “Display”, enable “Window mode”
- In “Display”, set “Window Size” to “0.80x”
- In “Display”, set “Aspect Ratio” to “Wide”
Save Data
Linux / Steam Deck
Overwrite the folder contents in <wineprefixfolder>/drive_c/users/<username>/Documents/faterealtanua_savedata