Visual Novel Compatibility List

A brief overview on what works for a visual novel and its confirmed working platforms. Linux versions have been tested with Lutris, Wine/Proton and Winetricks following the Lutris and Wineprefixes guides.

  • ✅: Verified to work
  • ⚠️: Playable, with some issues
  • ❓: Unknown
  • ❌: Broken
  • N/A: Not applicable
Visual NovelWindowsMacLinuxSteam DeckGame engineWineprefixWine versionNotes
DRACU-RIOT!KiriKiriwmp10quartzProton 7+Note 1
Riddle JokerKiriKiriwmp10quartzLutris 7.2+/Proton 7+Note 1
Kinkoi: Golden LovericheKiriKirianyProton GE 7.43+Note 2
Meteor World Actor: Badge & DaggerArtemisanyProton GE 8.6+Note 3
A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning MistvanillaProton 7.0+Note 4
Kamidori Alchemy Meisterwmp10quartzLutris 7.2+/Proton 7.0+Note 5, 6
Neko NightsanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7.0+Note 5
Senren*BankaKiriKiriwmp11Lutris 5.13+/Proton GE 8.8+Note 1, 7
True RemembranceN/AN/A
Majikoi! Love Me Seriously!anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~MalieanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Maitetsu Last Run!KiriKiriwmp11Proton GE 7.31+Note 8
Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-KirikiriN/AN/A
GnosiaN/AProton GE 8-6
ForestcodeX RScriptmciqtz32/vanillaLutris 7.21+/Wine 10Note 9
HarmoniaSiglus EnginelavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
G-Senjou no Maou - The Devil on G-StringKirikiriwmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Utawarerumono: Prelude to the FallenanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Utawarerumono: Mask of DeceptionanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Dōkyūsei: Bangin’ Summer (remake)lavfiltersProton GE 7.31+Note 10
Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~ (HD renewal edition)lavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Utawarerumono: Mask of TruthanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Utawarerumono (2002, original)anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry BlossomslavfiltersProton GE 7.20+Note 11
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Umineko - When They CryNScripteranyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 12
Higurashi - When They CryNScripteranyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 12
Spirit Hunter: NG⚠️⚠️N/AProton 7+Note 13
Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-Note 14
MUSICUS!ffdshowLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 15
ClannadRealLivewmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Majikoi A-1anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Majikoi A-2anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Majikoi A-3anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Majikoi A-4anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Majikoi SanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Dead End Aegis & Dead End Aegis GaidenanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
YOU and ME and HER: A Love StoryN2System/N4SystemlavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 16
Katawa ShoujoN/AN/A
Baldr SkylavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 17
Sabbath of the WitchKirikiriwmp11Lutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 7, 8, 18
Cyanotype Daydreamwmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
White Album 2 Introductory Chapter & Closing Chapterwmp10quartz/VanillaLutris 7.21/Wine 10Notes 19, 20, 21
Fruit of Grisaia⚠️⚠️CatSystem2wmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 22
Labyrinth of Grisaia⚠️⚠️CatSystem2wmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 22
Eden of Grisaia⚠️⚠️CatSystem2wmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 22
Persona 5 RoyalanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 23
Yosuga no SoraanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 5
Saya no Uta (original)npslavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Saya no Uta (remaster)N4SystemxactLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
YU-NOyunoengineLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 20
Corpse Party (2021)anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
eden* They were only two, on the planet.lavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Evenicle 1anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 24
Evenicle 2anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
ef - the first tale.lavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
ef - the latter tale.lavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Never7 -the end of infinity-anyanyNote 25
Ever17 -the out of infinity- HIMMEL Edition⚠️⚠️⚠️lavfiltersanyNotes 20, 26
Remember11 -the age of infinity- GESTALT editionlavfiltersany
StarTrain⚠️Kirikiriwmp10quartzLutris 7.21+Notes 18, 27
Steins;GateanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 28
Steins;Gate 0anyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 28
Tsui no StellaSiglus Enginewmp10quartzLutris 7.21+Notes 18, 29, 30
Root Double⚠️⚠️anyanyNote 31
Deus Machina DemonbaneN2SystemdemonbaneengineLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~BGIanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Baldr Heart + EXE⚠️NeXASwmp10quartzLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+Note 32
Full Metal Daemon: MuramasaN2System/N4SystemmuramasaengineLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
AIRRealLiveanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Fate/stay nightKirikirilavfiltersLutris 6.21+/Proton 7+Note 33
Gore Screaming ShowlavfiltersLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Hoshi Ori Yume MiraiSiglus EngineanyLutris GE Proton 7.32+
KanonRealLiveanyLutris 7.21+/Proton 7+
Kanon 2024Luca SystemanyProton 8+
Muv-LuvanyLutris GE Proton 7.21+
Muv-Luv Alternativeanyany
Kana ~Imouto~wmp10quartzLutris 7.2+
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteruwmp10quartzLutris 7.2+
Sakura no TokiArtemisartemisengineLutris 7.2+Note 34
Sakura no UtaBGIlavfiltersLutris 7.2+/Proton GE 8-13+Notes 5, 33, 35
Albatross KoukairokucodeX RScriptliarsoftengine/vanillaLutris 7.2/Wine 10Note 9
Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning -What a Radiant Brave-codeX RScriptliarsoftengine/vanillaLutris 7.2/Wine 10Note 9
AyakashibitoanyLutris 7.2+Note 36
Kara no ShoujoInnocentGrey/Kirikirianyany
Kara no Shoujo (HD)InnocentGreywmp11quartzLutris 7.2+ Proton 7+Notes 37, 38
Kara no Shoujo 2InnocentGrey/UnityN/AN/A
Tokyo BabelanyLutris 7.2+
Saihate no Imawmp10quartzLutris 7.2+Notes 18, 39, 40, 41
Kikokugai The Cyber Slayer⚠️nps/N2SystemanyProton GE 7.20+Note 42
Hatsukoi 1/1Siglus EngineanyProton GE 7.32
Sakuranomori DreamersanyProton GE 7.43
Shin Koihime † Musou ~Otome Ryouran ☆ Sangokushi Engi~lavfiltersProton GE 7.16Note 43
Ore-tachi ni Tsubasa wa NaiLucifenwmp11Lutris 7.2Notes 18, 44
Hello;Worldnpswmp11quartz_dxLutris 7.2Notes 18, 44
NUKITASHIShiina RioanyLutris 7.2
Kishin Houkou DemonbaneN4SystemmuramasaengineLutris 7.2Notes 45, 46
Sore wa Maichiru Sakura no You ni -Re:BIRTH-ArtemisanyLutris GE Proton 8.14
GINKAKirikiriwmp11quartzLutris 7.2
RewriteSiglus enginewmp10quartzLutris 7.2Notes 47, 48, 49
Clover Day’s PlusKirikiri/Unitywmp11quartz_dxLutris 7.2Notes 50, 51
Sousaku Kanojo no Ren’ai KoushikiKirikiriwmp11quartzLutris 7.2Note 18
Tenshi no Nichou Kenjuu -Angelos Armas-npswmp11quartz_dxLutris 7.2Notes 18, 44, 52
Moshimo Ashita ga Hare Narabawmp11Lutris 7.2Notes 18, 44
GeminismUnityanyLutris GE Proton 8.23
Shinsetsu Mahou ShoujoSRPG StduioanyWine 8.21+Notes 53, 54, 55
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru/Witch on the Holy NightHuneXanyProton 9+Notes 18, 56
Gunjou no Sora o KoeteMalieproton-geProton GE 8.27Notes 5, 18
Dungeon travellers 2/2-2Wine-ge/proton-geProton GE 8.27Note 5 (JP version)
Sky ChordYU-RISliarsoftengineLutris 7.2Notes 9, 18, 57
Amakano 2 Perfect edititionCatSystem2proton-geProton GE 9.5+Note 58
Tsukikage no SimulacreKirikiriVanillaWine 9.14Notes 5, 59
Shizuku 1996wine-gewine GE 8.25Note 5
Shizuku DVD 2004wmp11quartzLutris 7.2Notes 5, 18, 30
Mizuchi no MikocodeXproton-geProton GE 9.13Notes 5, 60
Moon GhostKirikiriproton 9 + wmp11/VanillaProton GE 9.13/Wine10Note 5, 7, 18
Otome Sekai no ArukikataKirikiriproton 9 + wmp11/VanillaProton GE 9.13/Wine10Notes 5, 7, 18
Ren’ai Jakusha na Osananajimi… (Renjaku)Waffle Enginewmp11quartzLutris 7.2Notes 5, 18, 19, 27, 61
Imouto to KanojoWaffle EngineanyWine GE 8.25Notes 5, 27, 61
Hanachirasuwmp11quartzLutris 7.2Note 19
Kazoku keikakuIkura GDL (D.O Engine)VanillaWine 10
Ima Sugu Onii-chan ni Imouto da tte Iitai!BGI/EthornellanyProton GE 7.32
Kyokou Eiyuu GinGaiaAIRNovel (Adobe AIR)VanillaWine 10

If you are experiencing font issues, be sure to install the Windows Japanese Fonts. Common examples are MS Gothic, Mincho, etc.


  1. Disable Esync
  2. Add WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER=1 %command% in the launch options on Steam
  3. Add GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_RANK=protonaudioconverterbin:NONE %command% in the launch options on Steam (fix opening playback)
  4. Add PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8" %command% in the launch options on Steam (fix white screen issue during opening playback)
  5. Configure Japanese locale
  6. Runs a little laggy on Wine 8 but is smoother on Lutris 7.2.2
  7. Use the special codec script to install wmp11
  8. Change Kirikiri settings to use “Layer” in Advanced Settings > Movie Rendering
  9. Use liarsoftengine prefix or install mciqtz32 with the special codec script
  10. Graphical glitches on default Wine
  11. Use lavfilters or ffdshow prefixes
  12. The original japanese release might require deleting some fonts from the Wine prefix as NScripter defaults to a font on its own and there are no options to select one
  13. Movies don’t play
  14. Input lag on some GNU/Linux devices, possible lag when loading an asset
  15. Not yet tested
  16. Install xact with lavfilters or ffdshow
  17. Opening video & audio desync issue can be fixed by limiting the FPS to 30 or running the game with gamescope --framerate 30 game.exe
  18. Disable DXVK. In steam: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
  19. Use wmp10quartz or wmp11quartz prefix where wmp11 is installed in the latter through the special codec script
  20. Requires special install
  21. Override “d3d9.dll” with n,b in “Wine Configuration”
  22. Movies flicker
  23. On the Steam Deck, override the resolution in “Steam Game Properties” to 1920x1080 and limit the framerate to 40 FPS
  24. Turn on fullscreen mode and enable compatibility mode in the game settings
  25. LÖVE engine required (which has native Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux versions}
  26. Set the virtual resolution to 800x600 (fix video cropping)
  27. Fullscreen does not work but can be worked around with Gamescope
  28. Tested with the “Committee of Zero” patch
  29. Read the game-specific guide to see which prefix is needed
  30. Use wmp10quartz or wmp11 prefix
  31. Font is rendered in low quality on Unix systems
  32. Severe frame drops when there’re a lot of enemies (Steam Deck)
  33. Use lavfilters or wmp10quartz prefix
  34. Use Gamescope or “Game mode” to avoid video flickering
  35. Spanish translation works but some characters like “ñ” or letters with accents don’t appear
  36. Use modified batch script to run the game
  37. Override “d2d1.dll” with n,b in “Wine Configuration”
  38. Make sure patch is up to date
  39. Use wmp10quartz or liarsoftengine prefix
  40. Needs a font in the prefix to avoid crash at startup
  41. Opening sometimes crashes if not stopped before the end
  42. Broken formatting in the textbox on GNU/Linux
  43. Interface is in Japanese
  44. Install wmp11 and quartz_dx with the special codecs script
  45. Install xact
  46. English fan translation has wordwrapping issues on GNU/Linux but the Japanese one works fine
  47. Japanese version requires the wmp10quartz prefix (wmp11quartz does not work)
  48. Install quartz manually as the special codecs script does not work here for 32-bit
  49. English version should work out of the box on Steam
  50. If running the new Unity version in Lutris, make sure to enable DKVX (disable otherwise)
  51. The Kirikiri version requires wmp11quartz_dx prefix with Lutris 7.2 while the Unity version should work with a Wine GE 8.22 prefix
  52. Seems to crash on 32-bit prefixes and some Wine versions
  53. need to have the windows scripting host system set up on the prefix (winetricks wsh57).
  54. WINEDLLOVERRIDES=“jscript=n” being set up otherwise the javascript of srpg studio won’t run and it crashes on startup (this may not be needed anymore).
  55. Having certain fonts seem to work but the fakejapanese winetricks package seems to work fine without anything. In case of performance issue delete the content of the font folder of your prefix and try with fewer fonts.
  56. Install mf with the special codecs. Steam thread
  57. Run with PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=120 environment variable if audio crackling
  58. Game freezes in auto read scenes in linux; need to read those scenes in windows transfering saves back and forth. Only 1 scene per route has autoread so other than that it works perfectly fine.
  59. Install directshow and wmp9: protontricks/winetricks -q directshow wmp9
  60. Some versions like lutris 7.2 and proton-ge 9.9 have audio crackling. 9.13 works fine and plays videos.
  61. Can increase font in engine: use garbro in Windows, extract init.ini from cfg.pak, make cfg folder, place init.ini into cfg folder, change MsgFontSize

Game-specific information

  • True Remembrance has native GNU/Linux and macOS versions
  • Run the Switch version of “Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-” on Ryujinx to avoid sprite lag
  • Umineko - When They Cry PS3 version has been ported to Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux thanks to the Umineko Project Team
  • Katawa Shoujo has native GNU/Linux and macOS versions
  • For Evenicle 1, you must be on the game version 1.04 to do what is described in “Note 24”
  • Kara no Shoujo 2 has native GNU/Linux and macOS versions
  • The Yu-No edition listed here is the Windows port PC with the optional voice and BGM patch