Kyokou Eiyuu GinGaia




This game uses AIRNovel which requires Adobe AIR to be installed to run, here is how to run it through wine Tested with Wine-9 or Wine-10.


  1. Download the game, it’s free!

  2. Unzip the game, you should have a file called GingaiaV301.air. Create at that level a new folder called ingaiaV301, now go back to GingaiaV301.air and extract it with Ark or any other software to unpack files into that folder created.

  3. Go into the folder GingaiaV301/META-INF/AIR/ and copy application.xml into the root folder of the extracted game GingaiaV301

  4. Download this version of Adobe AIR SDK:

  5. Extract that somewhere for example ~/Downloads

  6. Open a terminal amd go to the path GingaiaV301: cd /path/to/GingaiaV301

  7. run the game with following command: AIR_SDK_HOME=~/Downloads/AIRSDK/ wine "~/Downloads/AIRSDK/bin/adl.exe" application.xml

Same steps to run Kyokou Eiyuu GinGaia FINAL